Summit Ring

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Summit Ring


A rounded peak of stone sits in a simple unisex setting. Sits higher but can still stack with other chunkier bands.

Classic lapidary techniques are used to cut, set and polish your choice of stone.

Size 6-10

*Your choice of stones-(all shown in last photo starting at top going clockwise)

Rhodonite - Pale, cool pink with tiny variations of white and black from Colorado.

Number 8 Mine Turquoise is a brown and pale blue turquoise mix from Arizona usually spotted.

Willow Creek Jasper- Pale peach to mauve in sunset layers or more bold patterning from Idaho.

Wild Horse Magnesite- Chocolate brown with white flecks from Arizona

Turquoise - always natural, never enhanced in varying shades of blue-green with light matrix or solid. Comes from Nevada, Arizona and Mexico.

Snowflake Obsidian - Opaque black with white snowflake patterns from Utah.

Picture Jasper - Muted patterns in tan, brown, and maroon from Oregon.

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